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27 September 2014

School and Such ● by Jess

This is a letter one of my nieces, Gretchen, sent me this week. Jon and I were so excited to get it, especially because we have been working very hard to get our vlog put together by the end of this month. My nieces and nephews are probably the most loyal readership we have on this blog, mostly because they like our movies... which is pretty great because there are a lot more coming your way, kid-os! 

In other news, my new job is kicking my rear end in a very serious way. Working full time as a teacher, then going to school part time in the evenings and weekends is much more difficult than I had expected it to be. I am exhausted every. single. day.

That being said, I love these kids. I work with the 4/5 year olds and they are hilarious. The first couples of days, they didn't really understand my accent, so I pulled my really terrible British accent. It worked for the first day or two, but then, by the next week I tried to use it again when I was asking who wanted water at lunch. They were very quick to ask, "why are you talking like that?" 

Speaking of lunches, private school food is amazing-- like UHMAZING. I suppose it better be for the price of tuition.... I checked on my school's website to figure out how much each of my little four year old's was paying, then almost had a heart attack. One year of a four-year-old's tuition is roughly equivalent to what I spent on my four year degree + traveling around the world for 8 months (disregarding scholarships). Ouch. This fact naturally ads a bit of pressure, but fortunately, I am only one of three teachers in a classroom at anytime, so these kids get plenty of one-on-one attention. 

One of my favourite things is that I feel like I am a junior version of Harry Potter. Not only does everyone have adorable British accents, but there are House Points, a head boy and girl and we refer to the principal as the "head mistress." It is glorious and my inner 11 year old is constantly squealing with joy. 

Anyway, the vlog is coming! Stay tuned... My goal is to have episode 1 up by Oct 1st. :)

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