Ugh. The past two weeks. Seriously, it's been a nightmare.
It started with some health scares on my end, then followed with an apocalyptic revelation at Jon's work. It's been so very, very stressful. Jon has been working around the clock, and I've even been going into to his office to be a bit of "fibre," and keep things moving (I've basically just been there to do the paper pushing no else wants to do). It's been pretty overwhelming. So much so, that both Jon and I completely forgot last Sunday was our four year anniversary. We were only reminded of it by something one of Jon's bosses mentioned at lunch.
However, if we are going to look for the silver lining, Jon and I have gotten a lot closer these past couple of weeks. Despite missing a marriage milestone, we've grown-- smarter and more together-- which has to be a good thing. And, I think the fact that we BOTH missed is an indication that we are both focused on the issues at hand, which means we are on the same page. So, I'm going to take that as a win.
Anyway, today I'm going through my phone and collecting a few happy memories of simpler Australian days to think about. Here we go:
First off, bagels. There are some foods you just have to be in New York for, and generally bagels are one of those things. However, we found a pretty great bagel joint called Bagel Boys. The BRAT bagel is amazing and made me one happy little monkey.
We also had a chance to go visit the museum, which was buckets of fun for our inner children.

Look at these morning glories! I'm not really a stop and smell the flowers type of girl (I wish I were), but these little beauties caught my eye and required a phone pic.
We got to have Stake Conference a couple weeks back in the Brisbane Town Hall. Look at this building! What a beaut.
There is a restaurant at Surfer's Paradise Jon's a big fan of called Hurricane Grill. Jonny be lovin himself some ribs.
And those are my happy thoughts for now! Have a lovely Sunday...
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