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18 December 2015

Festive Brisbane

This week has been a pretty crappy week... but let's start with the good stuff.

First of all, check out this amazing cronut truck! I still don't know how I feel about cronuts. Every experience I have seems like a bit of a let down... I keep trying though (I WANT to love them!).

We did a little Christmas shopping downtown. There were decorations everywhere, and festive music, and fun window displays.... Still trying to get in the seasonal mood, so far I'm largely failing. But the clash of summer and Christmas is starting to feel really fun, festive, and tropical. 

Now on to the sad... After a couple of weeks of nausea and dizziness, I was sure I was *finally* pregnant. Unfortunately, I'm not... even though it hit me a little harder than usual, I just picked myself back up and we started looking seriously at adoption. 

We've always wanted to adopt, we just figured it would happen after we had a few biological children. Unfortunately, the more we started looking into it, the farther away it started to feel. Being in the UK means a lot of extra issues-- both financial and legal. It is so frustrating because having a baby feels so impossible right now.

So, I inhaled like nine Ferro-Rocher bon bons (in one sitting), had myself a good ugly-cry to Adele, and have just decided to let what happens happen. We found out this week that we'll be coming back to Australia from February-May, neither fertility treatments nor adoption can happen til we get home. So we'll have to see...

In other news, we had a great company Christmas party with Jon's colleagues. It was full of food, poppers, paper crowns and wonderful Aussies. I do think food makes everything feel better. :)

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