It has been a whirlwind first term. I'm still up to my eyeballs with essay writing, but I'm giving myself a couple of Christmas days off to catch up on writing down memories.

One of our favourite people, Jonny Palmer (our cousin by marriage) came to visit us. We went to Speedy's cafe, which is the restaurant that Sherlock and Watson live above in the BBC Cumberbatch Sherlock show.

Jon is working fives days out of the week up in Sheffield. He is working with a portfolio company called Longden, which makes fancy-shmancy doors for places like Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street. He leaves on Monday and comes home Friday, so I only get him on the weekends. It has been easier than expected, probably because I've been pretty busy with school. However, I'm eager for when we get to be together full time again. When exactly that will be (and where it will be) is a bit undetermined right now. Fingers crossed for April.
I have been able to go up and visit him though. We spent a weekend exploring the city and the Peak District which is just outside the town. It is gorgeous! We got a little Airbnb up in the hilly countryside and spent our days running after sheep (because we could) and hiking around to find abandoned castles.

We've also made some new friends. Robyn is (are you ready for this?) Jon's uncle-by-marriage's cousin, and she is in the picture with our Auntie Claire below. She has been here in London going to culinary school and unfortunately has felt the brunt of international displeasure with Trump. Some of her extraordinarily petty classmates (grown women even!) would turn off her oven and even got physically violent toward her simply because Robyn told them they had no idea what they were talking about when they were bashing the American electorate. Pretty unbelievable, but evidence of the growing chasm between ideologies.

In other happier news, Jon's parents came to visit us! WHOO HOOOOO!

We spent our week together exploring London and Brentford (for some geneological research). We had an epic and wonderful time at Winter Wonderland while Daddy-o got his fill of cheese and deli meats at Harrods. The boys surprised us by planning a final concert at the Royal Albert Hall, which was a perfect ending to a brilliant week. I'm still really impressed they kept it quiet until the last minute. :)

In other news, it has been a tough semester, for different reasons than I had expected, but I feel like I've grown a lot. I'm feeling good about my papers, so I'm praying I do well. The full grade for each class is based entirely upon one paper, so it has to be incredible. It is a stressful way to spend your holidays, but I'm super grateful for the extra time.

And, as a little Christmas bonus (mostly for my nieces and nephews who have been asking for these), here are two new vlogs. One from Australia and one from my in-law's visit to London. Merry Christmas!!
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