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02 June 2014

Month Off ● by Jess

Hello again world!

A month ago I decided to take a much needed break from social media and blogging. Its officially been one full month and I'm now in reflection mode. I feel like I've just taken a ride on that proverbial roller-coaster of emotions... and now I'm stumbling off and feeling like I'm about to hurl on an unsuspecting carnie (I suppose that would be you, the reader). 

On the one hand, we've had some incredible adventures-- we traveled to Brighton, Bath, (posts to follow) and were even gifted last minute tickets to see Wicked. The future looks bright and happy and I'm just really happy to be living in this wonderful world. 

On the other hand, this month has brought some troughs... including a full-blown quarter-life crisis, a miscarriage, and I'm pretty sure I saw ghost in my room (and let's get real, the ghost definitely caused the most lasting damage). 

All said, I needed a break from the needless stream of babble, the self-promotion, and the passive aggressive posting (both from myself and others). And golly, did it feel good to step away for a bit!

But now I'm back, so get ready world! I whole stream of photos and video is about to enter the blogosphere. Stay tuned!


  1. hey jess i live in london to and if u want to git to gether that wuld be cool.

  2. Jess! Welcome back. I have missed your posts. I'm so sorry about the miscarriage! What a sad and painful thing. I wish I could be there to give you a sister hug in person, but know I'm thinking about you and Jon. Love you both!
