My brother Rich and his wife Mya (and son Lucas) came to visit us again this year! We didn't get to spend too much time together, so we made the most of it by going to to the Tambourine Rainforest Skywalk and enjoying the beach.
The Skywalk is this insanely gorgeous set of bridges up in the trees (and also down on the ground) that take you through what it would feel like to be Tarzan or a tropical bird or a total wuss with really bad vertigo. Everything is fine until someone starts making the bridge shake or sway... then you're clutching the edge hoping the bolts that are holding you up don't suddenly give way.
We did a lot of searching for koalas at Mya's request. We never did find one in its natural habitat, but I know there were there! Cheeky little furballs were probably hiding.
Lucas pretty much stole my heart on this trip. Maybe its because he's the only nephew I have that share a bit of my DNA, or maybe its because he's a little firecracker-smarty-pants that likes cuddles and (newly introduced) Peppa Pig. Whatever the reason, I miss this kid already!
After our walk through the rainforest, we decided we needed a little beach time, so off we went. Lucas had had a couple experiences with the waves already on this trip, and wasn't super keen to be out in the water. However, little dude was killing it at digging in the sand and pretending to be like daddy.
Glad these three got home safely... just in time for more adventures :)
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