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28 August 2013

The Beginning of Birthday Week ● by Jess

When I was in college, my roommate, Aimee, introduced a very important concept to me. This was the concept of "birthday week." Basically you get to use your birthday as an excuse to celebrate the 4 or 5 days before AND after your birthday. It is fabulous. As my birthday is coming up here on Sunday, and its a big one (25!), Jon has been making all sorts of special plans for celebrating.

 Yesterday, he found this amazing fish and chips place that had a deal for a full plate for only £6/each! Clever boy! It was cheap and tasty, just the way we like it.

 Today, he got me my first ever smart phone. I feel like I've finally entered the modern age. I've only had it for less than a day and I'm not sure how I lived without it previously. Best gift EVER!!!

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