Sometimes the universe blesses you by dropping amazing people in your path. I met the Pace family at our New Canaan wedding reception three years ago, but had no idea really who they were or how we'd stumble into each other's lives over the next few years.
The Paces have a house here and visit every summer. Kayleigh, the beautiful blond above (the one on the far left) was about to head off to university for photography, and since that is my field of expertise we knew we had to see each other. After one of their trips fell through, I got to spend a whole week with these incredible people. Check out our vlog:
As I've mentioned (probably more than once), Camden is one of my favourite parts of London. Unfortunately, I haven't had success taking anyone there that has been as thrilled with it as I am. Luckily, the Pace girls didn't disappoint. It is quite possible that their love for it even surpasses mine, which is really saying something.
We started our Camden trip with breakfast at the Cereal Killer Cafe-- which serves pop tarts and every sugary American cereal imaginable. This is a pretty novel things for Britons, whose breakfast cereal selection is significantly less diverse. But they also have a few options that are really special-- like Jon's fav Rice Krispie Treat cereal, which (if as you can see if you click on the link) is pretty freaking expensive over here.

Below is Kayleigh's selection-- Unicorn Poop. It was a pretty cool concept restaurant. You sit on toddler beds with 80s and 90s cartoon bedspreads and pop culture for my childhood was everywhere. It was a mega helping of nostalgia and anyone in their 20s and 30s would love it.

Pretty sure Kristen secretly wants to be a Spice Girl...
Besides Camden, we also went out to eat, saw art exhibits, and had a living room picnic/game day. I taught the girls Bang! which they loved and then we went for a killer round of Heads Up.
And what trip to London would be complete with a day of being fancy and going out for tea? We went to the Criterion restaurant in Piccadilly Circus.
We had booked a "Champagne Tea" which is a typical British tea that comes with a glass of Prosecco. Being Mormon, we were about to ask the waiter for a non-alcoholic alternative. However, seeing that we had teenagers among us, he preempted our requests, and arrived to the table with a single glass of bubbly for Kristen (who politely declined) and four Shirley Temples.
Now, as grateful as I was for this, I think it should be pointed out that the legal drinking age in the UK is 18. So, apparently, I look 17.
Guys, I was a week away from my 27th birthday.
I know, I know... someday I'll be grateful for this. But right now, I'd like to look old enough to vote.
These gorgeous humans are not back in the States now and I miss em! Can't wait to see them again next summer. In the meantime, I'll continue to scheme about ways to get them in the family... they are all too fabulous to not have them legally bound to us for forever ;) One way or another ladies!
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